About Me

My name is Megean. I live in the beautiful scenic state of Missouri with my husband, three children, three cats, and a dog. We have been married almost 20 years and together for 22. We have been parents for over 16 years now.

I am both a Maine and Missouri Certified Elementary Teacher and have taught in public, private, church, and home-school settings for more than 17 years. I have cleared multiple background checks both in Maine & Missouri.

I completed my Masters in Marriage and Family Therapy through Liberty University online in 2021. I have 15 months experience working various internships as a Marriage & Family Therapist Intern. I have worked the last 21+ months at a residential facility as a pre-teen/family therapist.

I have been involved with Christian ministry for nearly 29 years, from cleaning churches, treasurer work, teaching Sunday school and youth classes, sharing exhortations from the pulpit, praying with others, teaching private/in-home Bible studies, and hosting/leading small groups and couples’ events.

My Faith

My walk with Jesus began in February 1995, though I am certain He had me in His sights long before that. I have spent the last 29 years studying and teaching scripture, learning what it means to walk with God, and to grow in grace. I have soared on mountain tops and crawled through dark valleys. I have danced with exceeding jubilation and have wept with excruciating pain. I have loved people and I have failed people. I have tasted the bitterness of betrayal and felt my cup overflow with joy. When I look back over the past 29 years, I know I am not who I used to be and know I still have so much to learn. However, in every circumstance and in every situation, my God has been so good to me. He has proven Himself more real and faithful to me than anyone else in this world and I would not trade this journey for anything!

I am at a place in my life now that I just want to share my experience, passion and wisdom with others. It is my desire and hope for this ministry to share my faith-based musings for the purpose of helping others grow in their own walk of faith. If I can successfully introduce someone to Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith, and/or encourage and strengthen their current walk, I have accomplished my task.