My Testimony

I’ve debated on where to start this story. To understand how profound February 21st, 1995 was for me, you’ll need a bit of back story. 

I grew up in a christian-believing, but non-attending home. My parents believed in God and lived a life with godly, biblical values. Until 1995 I had only attended church services a few times. Though I had heard a few Bible stories throughout the years, I really had zero biblical knowledge. 

Another important part of my back story is understanding how I viewed friendship. I loved school during my elementary years (K-4), not just for the academics, but probably more so for the friendships. Though I did not have a lot of close friends, the ones I did have meant the world to me. This is why, I believe, middle school (5 – 8) was so difficult for me. I hated middle school. Again, not so much the academic side of it, but the social aspect was incredibly painful for me. 

By the time I reached high school I had become a bit cynical about friendship and my small circle of friends became even smaller. Also by high school, I had tried enough substances and watched how it destroyed both family and friends to know I did not want to partake. Cigarettes were disgusting to me. All alcohol tasted nasty to me. Thankfully, I had not been successful in inhaling enough marijuana to make it of any appeal to me. And, I definitely had a guilty conscience about stealing or even being a look out for others. Looking back on this, I’m still stunned that by age 13 I had tried enough things to know that was not the life I wanted. Though I did not know it at the time, it had to have been the hand of God. 

This brings my story to 6 months into my freshman year of high school. I had very few friends, I think just 2 that I truly trusted. I was doing fairly well and enjoying my academics and had had a successful soccer season that fall. I was definitely more shy probably than ever before and just “kept my head down” often. As a sidebar note, this is also the year that my confidence and interest as a writer began. 

February 19th – 25th, 1995 was youth week at the Apostolic Church of Rumford where my aunt and cousins attended. I had visited a time or two over the years. Aunt Dalene asked if I would like to attend youth week with her and I agreed. I honestly don’t remember much of what the visiting preacher preached about. But, I do recall that Monday night on the way home the conversation in the car being about the Holy Ghost. 

Tuesday, February 21st, 1995 at the end of his preaching, the preacher invited the youth to the front to respond to the Word. Remember, I had no idea about any of this “stuff” but being a shy and obedient kid, I went up front with the rest. I remember closing my eyes and trying to think of what to say because I had no idea how to pray. I remember saying things like “thank you Jesus” a lot. Anyhow, after I’m not sure how long, something began to stir deep within me. It was hard to explain then and remains difficult to put into words today. All I knew was something felt profoundly different deep inside of me. I felt both light and lighter. Though I could not explain it at the time, I knew I was going home that night very different than when I left home. 

I think I returned for more services that week and also enjoyed ice skating with the youth group. But, I didn’t return to church until about a month later. My best friend and I were playing tennis and one of my cousins and his friend from church ended up at the same place that Sunday afternoon. We four got to talking and they invited us to church that night. My best friend had never been to such a lively church and couldn’t help but laugh through much of it. But she loved it! We both did. From then on we would ask for rides every Sunday and Thursday. We both fell in love with the people, the worship, and the Bible. We were like sponges. We would listen intently during services and then go home and read all about it in the Bible. We had so many questions. We would read separately or together. Much of our phone conversations revolved around the Word. We were all in!

There’s thousands of small details I could share, but will try to wrap it up with this. When I consider my back story before I met Jesus, I would say friendship was high on my values list. And because I had been so hurt by “friends”, I was desperate for a true friend. Jesus absolutely became that and so much more. When I went into that church that Tuesday night I had no idea what God had in store for me nor how the trajectory of my life would be forever changed. But, God knew. He knew me. He knew I needed Him. He knew I longed for Him. He had been preparing my heart from the very beginning to know Him and had been equipping me for work in His Kingdom. It’s amazing how much we can see Him in the fine details when we’re looking for Him. 

This year marks 28 years. Always at the start of a new year, I look back and remember where I was, where I’ve been, where I am, and where He’s still leading me. I stand in awe of Him and will remain forever thankful.